What to do in the Meantime
There's a saying that it's not always what you know, but who you know that matters. While I get the sentiment of this statement, I think that both aspects are truly important. I like to surround myself with goal-driven individuals who simply get things done. With this comes many conversations about future plans and what life will be like when their goals are accomplished. I find myself in this state of mind as well, romanticizing what life will be like when I finally get "there". Something that I'm noticing more and more amongst my peers is this reluctance to embrace the present and to truly find joy in all that life has to offer before reaching those goals. Whether it's landing that dream role, buying a new home, starting a business, getting married, or starting a family why is it that we often wait to truly take time to feel joy until after we have what we desire?
We often struggle waiting in the meantime when we haven't yet reached our goals or obtained what we desire.
I'm noticing that many people around me are becoming discontent, sad, depressed, and even hopeless at times. There are so many people who talk to me about my journey and how they admire the things that I've accomplished. While those comments can be encouraging, they usually leave me with a lot of heaviness thinking about the sacrifices it took to get to this place. I think it is natural for us as humans to look at other people's lives and think how badly we would love to experience something that they have. But allow me to play devil's advocate for a moment. How many times have you put in a lot of effort and time to obtain what you wanted, only to find out that the thing or that person still didn't bring you satisfaction? Who's to say that this goal that you are striving towards will be any better or any worse than where you currently are now? I am always down to be the biggest life coach and cheer people on to their next victory. I also want to be an advocate for you to romanticize your life as it exists because you deserve to feel this despite your circumstances. Situations in your life do not have to be ideal for you to enjoy your life.
If you are finding yourself struggling in the meantime while waiting for your desires to manifest consider these thoughts:
Are you creating an idol out of the thing that you desire? A car, house, career, salary, spouse, child, aesthetic can all be idols. An idol is something that is greatly admired, loved, or revered and often worshiped. How often are you putting your attention towards this thing? Can you imagine a future where you don't fulfill your desire and how does that make you feel? Do you feel less than, inadequate, or unfulfilled in some way now that you don't have this thing? These may be signs that you've created an idol and although your desires are valid, you may need to give this to God so he can help fix your perspective.
Do you really believe that you deserve what you asking for or are you blocking your blessings in self-doubt? Just let that sink in. You could be unconsciously making decisions that are not in alignment with the goals you are trying to achieve, because you don't really believe that you deserve them. Again, examine your thoughts and motives. This is another area that you may have to surrender to God to help with your perspective.
Comparison kills. This is your journey and yours alone. It does not matter what other people's timeline may be. Do not feel pressured to follow a script to a play that you aren't the main star in. Let people do them, and focus on you. Surround yourself with people who pour into you and encourage you. Separate yourself from those who project their own insecurities or timelines on to you.
Stop waiting to enjoy yourself until the end result. The other day I was telling a friend that he should capitalize on an opportunity this year, and his response was that he wanted to wait until he was completely finished with his current endeavors to enjoy an opportunity like that. Mind you he will be finished two years from now. That honestly sounded insane to me. Life is too short and nothing is promised. Do not set yourself up for disappointment by trading today's sorrows for a possible future of temporary enjoyment. Don't put your life on hold waiting for what may come in the future. Your next move might be wrapped up in the greatest gift that you never even expected.