To the One Who is Disappointed


Disappointment is the emotion that we feel when our hopes and expectations are unfulfilled. Between the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, inhumane tragedies, and inflation it is hard to keep up with all of the broken expectations of this world. Friendships change, we are let go from our jobs, plans that we work so hard on fail, and sometimes it can be difficult to make ends meet.

 If we can't be honest with ourselves about how we feel, then we can't be honest with others about how they let us down.  It leaves just enough room for the enemy to plants seeds of doubt and disbelief.

When life doesn't go as expected it can be difficult to navigate how to move forward or where to place our expectations. It can be easy to downplay our disappointment with common colloquialisms like, "It's really not that big of a deal." However, I notice that when we do this we fail to acknowledge the pain or the void that the broken expectation has caused. Broken expectations can lead to broken relationships if left unattended. This can apply to co-workers, friends, family, or partners. Most importantly, this can affect our relationship with God. If we can't be honest with ourselves about how we feel, then we can't be honest with others about how they let us down.  It leaves just enough room for the enemy to plants seeds of doubt and disbelief. Little by little we can become distracted by the unmet need and not focus on the heart of God despite what we are going through. Sometimes it is true that life simply sucks. Regardless of how much money you have, how stable your career is, how lovely your relationships are, or how happy you may be. Things happen in life that we cannot control. It's nice to know that all things will work out ONE DAY, but TODAY I am so very tired. Some of you are worn out with trying to push through, not complain, and to show up as expected. Some of you are frustrated with things constantly staying the same even after you pray about them. Just when one problem seems like its resolving, here comes another problem that throws you off your course. Many of us had dreams of how we thought our lives would be at this point. It can be disappointing to face the realization that those dreams may not be coming true. 

I am sorry for every loss that you couldn’t grieve over the past few years. I believe that your prayers to Heaven are heard and that you are not forgotten.

So today if you find yourself exhausted, disappointed, and let down by a broken expectation just know that you are seen. I am sorry for every loss that you couldn’t grieve over the past few years. I believe that your prayers to Heaven are heard and that you are not forgotten. To the one who is struggling with how to move forward with the broken and messy pieces, I'm praying for peace and clarity. I pray that you won't be attached to the outcomes of your life. I'm hoping that you find comfort in the character of God. Not the reality that you are disappointed, because truthfully there's not comfort there. I hope that you find the courage to tell yourself how and why this situation is disappointing. I think this will create an opportunity for God to show you where he is in the midst of all of this. It will create an opportunity for you to experience comfort and peace by being in the presence of God. You may even gain perspective on how to move forward. In all of life's uncertainty, the one thing that I know is that God is good even when our circumstances aren't good.  His presence does not always provide certainty in what will happen next, but he provides closeness. I also know that those who seek God with all of their hearts will find Him and they will be comforted. I cannot promise you that you will find God how you expect. I can promise that God will show up for you in all of the ways that you need.

 Over the past few weeks I’ve made a playlist of songs that have been helping me process my unmet expectations. I hope you enjoy find it refreshing and encouraging.

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You are Enough


To the One Who is Exhausted